Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Academic Calendar & Connections Week of October 24

Monday, October 24

Mr. Hagstrom attends District Literacy Training and Class has a substitute teacher.

Tuesday, October 25

Science Focus Block (2 periods and replaces mathematics today):

Students read the life cycle of Brassica plant and  draw its life cycle and relate the drawing to our science readings on cotyledons, photosynthesis, producers and consumers, and the food chain.

Students take detailed notes of experiment plan.

Students & Teacher discuss Brassica plant thinning options for plant growth experiment, the requirement of meeting Control conditions for the experiment, observing, recording data accurately, drawing, measuring and labeling plants, and writing supportive observations.

Students compare our plant growth to typical growth under control conditions.

Students are encouraged to decide if they will snip or pull out excess plants, draw and measure cuttings & extracted plants, keep samples in their journal, and speculate on the causes of any stunted, slow, injured, or non-growth of plants and seeds.

Language Arts

Students and Teacher reread "Oranges," and discuss the tension point of barter with shopkeeper, and the symbolism or representation of the orange as fire in the main characters hands.

Student written poem responses are shared and evaluated for positive and unique contributions to the class understanding of the poem and/or poetry.

Students and teacher discuss the power of poetry as a concentrated and potent form of expression and how it can share qualities of personal narrative, and be a genre for capturing and sharing memories and emotions.

Teacher Introduces and Reads aloud, "Something to Remember Me By."  Discussion is centered around the 4 memory related texts we've read this year: Jorge Manuel Guillermo Jose, The Lotus Seed, and "Oranges."

Wonder Read Aloud


Students complete their Reading Response for the week ending October 23.

Students watch and complete Brainpop Computer activities on photosynthesis

Integrated Science/Literacy

Adison and Madison present their PowerPoint Presentation on Rats.


No math assigned; students may elect to work ahead on math problems in packet

Book Report Final Check No. 3 on Wednesday; the report is due Friday, but students are encouraged to turn-in a completed report on Thursday. 

Friday, October 28

Book Report Due

Fall Festival!

YaY!  Class Party for the last 1:15 hours of the day. 

Students may dress into their costumes during the 1:40 recess prior to the party.  Costume rules include: No gore, no masks, no sharps or weapons, and no head coverings that obscure the visibility of the face (No hoodies with heads deeply recessed).  Essentially we all need to be safely recognizable. 

The party will have healthy snacks, some games like bingo with small prizes, and a treat decoration station.

Students will have packed up prior to the party and students will be able to leave at their regular scheduled times. Volunteer parents and the students they care for generally stay on a bit for final tidying up. 

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Academic Plan for Monday, October 24 with Guest Teacher

Schedule for 5th Grade w/Mr. Hagstrom on Monday, October 23  

8:30 Greeting, Announcements, Attendance & Lunch, Outline for the Day
Have Saskia, Cyrus, and Maysa Read Oct 22, 23, & 24's "Wonders" to the class.
  All student handouts today are labeled and placed on the deep counter with wide drawers near sink (regular place for student handouts). 
  Remind students if they finish an activity early, they may read silently. 

8:40    Math
Today: 90 Minutes (30 minutes before library and 60 minutes after).

     Start off with the Math Sprint 2.  Students turn this in.  

     Next begin Unit 2 Lesson 5.  There are several teacher led activities including a "Pattern Sheet" to prepare students to do the Problem Set problems in their Workbooks.  If helpful for the guest teacher, please invite Isaiah M., Greyson P., Colin P., Cyrus, C., Isabelle G., Nidhi V. and/or Saskia V. to solve any example or problem set for the whole class using the projection system.

       Homework is in Week’s Homework Packet (Deep Counter) Unit 2, 
Lesson 5, P. 25 & 80. 

9:12    Library to 9:42
9:42    Math
10:42 Silent Reading or Reading from Wonder.
11:00  Recess
11:25  Lunch

11:45 Reading Instruction

I.                    T.E.  Making Meaning Vol. 1, Pages 5-11. Sections 3 – 6.  Read Aloud, The Lotus Seed. Students sitting on carpet in front of room.  Discussion and Reflection.
II.                 Daybook of Critical Reading and Writing. Poem: “Oranges” by Gary Soto.  Language and Craft focus (also in the handout instructions): Annotations. Students read the text twice, on the second reading, they should mark up the text pointing out striking parts for them and write “? Marks” for parts they are not sure about. There is a discussion question for writing at the end.  After students write their answer, have a class discussion.

12:55 - 1:40 “Community Time, Special projects, and Extension”: Dancing Classrooms 

1:40   Recess
2:00   Science

Today we will do science reading, note taking, and have a concluding discussion.

We will observe our plant experiment next on Tuesday.

Science:  Chapter 3.  “How does energy move in an ecosystem?”  National Geographic Life Science Book.  P. 102-109. Students read in pairs. Each student individually takes notes on sheets of notebook paper on these terms:

Food chain
Food web

and answer p. 109 #2:  Why are producers important to consumers? 

Complete these notes by 2:30. If students finish early they should read quietly their personal books. 

2:30  Teacher Debrief (Questions & Answers; Students check/revise notes). 
2:45   Clean up, 2:48 Safety Patrol & Kinder Walkers Squads Leave
Julia to pick up line today.
2:55 Dismissal