Friday, April 28, 2017

District Math Post Assessment

Dear Students and Families,

Our District Math Assessments have been entered ( a few scores are expected to increase because some answer keys were not fully read by the scanner). The overall results are very good, though work remains.  Very interesting how it's not a standard distribution.   Please view for yourselves (if you click the graphs, they will enlarge):

Post Test:

And the pre-test in September:

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Academic Calendar and Connections


The Week long school book fair began in the library.

Language Arts/ Interdisciplinary:  Students turned in typed feature articles and have the Word files available on personal or class flash drive for further editing. 

Mathematics:  Students took the District Math Post-Test.  
HW:  25 mins. Zearn;  Advanced students should do Mission 6. 

Social Studies:  The Boston Tea Party, Stamp Act, and the French and Indian War readings - as an introduction to the "Road to Revolutionary War" unit.


Language Arts/ Social Studies:  Feature articles/ focus on Narrative and "Hook/Grabber" introductions.  Students compared their introductions with other students and began re-writing another version of their own. We will make a series of hand-written  additions and deletions to our essays over several meetings, then students will type their edits and additions into a final essay copy next week. 
Review of articles on National Parks as part of the constitution in Namibia (National Geographic)
and North Korea's race for nuclear arms (New York Times). 

Mathematics:  We began Unit/Mission 5: Finding Volume of Rectangular Prisms.  HW Lesson 1.  Students were set into Zearn Mission 5 to support the learning.


Read Aloud:  Milkweed.  A difficult section of the novel's text.  Warsaw Ghetto residents are dying from starvation in large numbers and deportation to the concentration camps began. 

Mathematics Lesson 2
Homework:  Lesson 1, part 2

Language Arts/Social Studies:  Road to Revolution.

Students were given a 10 page handout, pages 30-39.  Today pages 31-33 were assigned for independent classwork.  The article on the French and Indian War was supported by a Brainpop video and a digital -chronological map of the European Colonies shifting territories 

HOMEWORK: Using the provided reading, p. 31, complete as best you can,  pages 31-33 in the handout if not already completed in class. 


We finished Milkweed today.
Math Lesson 4
History: The French and Indian War and the Proclamation of 1763: videos and readings.