Friday, February 10, 2017

Special Things, including snack policy

Tonight is Multi-cultural night; hope to see you there.  

Here is the link to the PTA News.

Valentine's Day Snacks: 

It was brought to my attention that we (the school, classroom, and families)  need to be careful to closely follow the District Policies around Snacks in the classroom.  We are encouraging that all shared foods are healthy ones.  For our classroom party on Tuesday, grain-based snack foods should be whole grain rich.   Here's the link to Principal Walsh's message.

Birthday Snacks

Also, the school has a policy that birthday celebrations cannot be accompanied by treats from the family.  Your generosity and kindness in wanting to share small treats throughout the the year is much appreciated, but is restricted as written in the school handbook.  Thank you for your understanding!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Food Drive

Food Drive February 13-17

Two outstanding fifth grade students approached Mrs. Walsh about doing a service project.  The school decided on a food drive and PTA was quick to jump in and offer support.  IVE students will collect food during the week of February 13-17.  This Food Drive is to help support the food over break program.  Each grade level will focus on different items. 

Kid mail will go home on Monday, February 6 and boxes with tally sheets will be delivered on Friday, February 10.

  • Kindergarten = Oatmeal, Progresso canned soup or Chunky soup
  • First Grade = Granola bars, canned beans or boxed crackers
  • Second Grade = boxed cereal, fruit or applesauce cups or jelly
  • Third Grade = Peanut butter, macaroni and cheese or cup of noodles
  • Fourth Grade = Juice boxes and corn or flour tortillas
  • Fifth Grade = Canned chicken or tuna and canned pasta

Monday, February 6, 2017

Academic Calendar & Connections week of February 6

Below find selected studies and activities taking place in your child's classroom that may help students with their organization and planning, and for families to communicate about some important and special things happening in the classroom. 

Monday, February 6  Snow Day!

 Hope you're all finding time for snow fun!  We have.

Some of you are thinking ahead to our Math Test no. 3 this week and enjoying extra time on Zearn.  Smart!

Others are thinking about getting ahead on your book report, right?  That link on the right to Mr. Arthur's site only shows an example paper and doesn't have the list of questions I handed out in class. I have now posted these under the new link, "Homework Help."

As an alternative to the paper based on 8 questions, here is another acceptable format to help you organize your paper:

Book Report 2 alternative frame for organizing the report:

1.  In an opening paragraph briefly summarize the topic/period/event covered.

2.  Optionally continue a summary of significant events/persons in a second or even third paragraph.

3.  What is the event that was most striking to you in the story?  Be descriptive, elaborate, and explain to the reader why it fascinated you.

4.  Do the same as in no. 3, but focus on a person.  

5.  Close on a paragraph discussing a key learning or two that you took away from reading the book.  Make a comment on how you enjoyed the genre of (nonfiction history or historical fiction).  Recommend the book (or not) with a reason or two why.  Comment on whether the experience was meaningful or satisfying for you and tell me if it has sparked your curiosity to read further on a related topic. 

Enjoy this exercise!

Mr. Hagstrom

Tuesday, Feb. 7

Math: Please see the examples of unit test 3 questions for the Unit 3 test dated February 6.

Wednesday, Feb. 8

Language Arts:  Began Feature Article Unit in Writing.  

Math Homework geared especially to prepare for the Unit test.  

Exit Tickets 6, 11, and Homework 13
Homework 13 do: 1.a b,  2 ab and 3a &b. 
 Selected answers are provided in "Homework Help" today. 

Thursday Feb. 9

Math Unit 3 Test

Friday,  Feb. 10

Community: A group of students at recess learned a style of Friendship bracelet making from Maysa.  Mrs. St. Andre provided the thread.  These students will, in turn, teach other students how to make the bracelets.  Students are excited about the prospect of making friendship bracelets, particularly to refugees from countries with armed conflict.   

All students are welcome to participate in the making of friendship bracelets, an act intended to support on-going and current humanitarian issues, irrespective of political or religious beliefs. 

Science:  Newtons Laws of Motions - Preparation reading and notes
We began our New Science journal
Introduction to our Engineering Unit "Bolt Catchers" on Force, Mass, and Motion 

Language Arts:  

Journal reflection writing on Weedflower and Milkweed.
Time for Consideration of Feature Writing / Research Reports


Pretest for Unit 4
Optionally: Zearn Individualized Computer Learning
Perennial Math Group with Mr. Morris