Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Dancing Classroom Presentation Announcement

Dear Parents and Guardians,

This is a reminder that our ballroom dancing program ends on Wednesday, November 23---we will perform for you in the gym from 9:00-10:00.

Our kids are nervous and excited!  They have come an impressive distance!

It is usually a very crowded event, so please arrive a little early if you can.  We encourage (but do not require) students to dress "elegantly."  That could mean a skirt or dress for the ladies and a nice button-down shirt for the gentlemen.  Please don't make a special shopping trip for this event, though.

We sure hope you can come!

Mr. Hagstrom

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Academic Calendar and Connections for Week 12 Beginning November 14

Monday, November 14

Math: Mid-Unit Assessment, 
Homework: Lesson 16, 2nd Page Only

Science: Lesson 1 on Review Experiment to begin organizing Data from the Experiment, and decide as a team the best way to communicate findings.
Rubric for Analyzing Plant Growth
Drawing and Observation Session

Specials:  Library/ Book Fair (Runs through Friday)

Dancing Classrooms:  Demonstration teams for Meringue and Tango Announced; Family Presentation Format Practiced

Tuesday, November 15

Review of Mid-Unit Assessment
Lessons 16, done in class; no homework


Today's observation:  Other Experimental Group’s “Representative /Average Plant," 
Next discussion:  How do the Representative / Average plants from 1 other Experimental Group and the Control Group Compare with Your Own Experiment? (Divide into Crowding and Light Groups)

Integrated Learning:  Reading:  Pollination and Interdependence, p. 65

The Reading Response for the Period ending Sunday, November 13 is open and I'd like students to respond to the from their homes this week on Tuesday or Wednesday, please. 

Sharing of Student Writing: 

Student Sharing of Promoted Personal Narrative Writing:  Cyrus, Isaiah, and Lauren (In addition to Maysa done previously and Reidar to follow when he returns). 

Wednesday, November 16

Art with Art Docents: 11:45 - 12:40

3 Math Homework Pages Sent Home with Students today.  Due Thursday.

Reminder:  Tonight is the book fair's after hours open house.  The Library will be open from 6-8. 

The Reading Response for the Period ending Sunday, November 13 is open and I'd like students to respond to the from their homes this week on Tuesday or Wednesday, please. 

Thursday, November 17

Math Homework: Lesson 17
The reading response homework is still due.