Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Non-Fiction Science Reading PowerPoint

This is a required assignment due Thursday, 10/18 at 8:30 AM please*

*(Unless special arrangements have been made.)

We have had two and one-half hours of computer time to assist students complete the project in school, but ask and encourage students to deepen the work at home. We will have a final period on Wednesday in class. 

I.  Objective 1:  to share information about an animal you read about in class, including any of the following: (In general, this is factual information and things that can surprise us.  Guideline: Create about 10 slides for this objective, covering a breadth of the areas below (5 or more). At the very least a student is expected to create 5+  content slides - not counting images & the title slide.  For a higher mark, it is expected that the students enter into depth in 1-3 areas.  Teams should create a presentation with more slides than individual presentations, and go into depth in more areas as well.  

A.  Physical Features of the Animal  

B.  Special physical adaptations  

C.  Descriptions of how the animal feeds or hunts and what it eats.  

D.  Explanation of the geographical locations of the animal.  

E.  Description of the habit the animal thrives in  

F.   Discuss how human development affects the animal.   

G.  Discuss how pollution or global warming affects the animal.  

H.  Discuss actions people have taken to help the animal population be healthy. 

I.   Description of Predators

J.  Life cycle

K. Human uses of the animal. 

II.  Objective II: to include slides showing that you have used these non-fiction reading skills to read and think about your animal including:

1.  Questions about your animal - or a F.A.Q.  

2.  One deep question - something that leads people to think deeply about the animal or its condition. 

3.  One or more speculations you have about your animal or its future. 

4.  Connections about the situation or condition of this animal and other animals, or a personal one. 

5.  New Vocabulary - (2) or more words. 

Monday, October 17, 2016

Academic Calendar & Connections Week 8 Beginning October 17

Monday, October 17

For Science we began our plant experiment as a basis for learning the Scientific Method.  Students planted seeds in soil and added differing amounts of fertilizer pellets and/or additional substances to see how these could influence the growth of Wisconsin Fast Plants - scientific name: Brassicas. This is a month long project.

For Math, we reviewed the key skills in Unit 2, lessons 1-2 and did additional practice problems. We are learning efficient methods of rounding factors for larger multiplication problems and estimating products.  

For Reading Students have been asked to bring in a flash memory drive on Tuesday and for use this week for their PowerPoint projects they will be working on this week.  I have bought flash drives enough  for half of the class - or one for each project team for those who don't have their own. 

Regarding Homework: Students were not given HW packets on Monday and there is no specific HW beyond reading, however students may wisely work toward their book report completion due October 28. We reviewed the expectation of the report today.   The 5th grade team is regrouping around the Unit Math Test, the wrapping up of the Non-fiction Science Reading this week, and the Start of the new Science Unit today. HW packets may vary this week between classes for this reason.  Once again, a copy of the Book Report Information Sheet for the book report on a fictional novel may be found at Mr. Arthur's connect site: here 

Tuesday, October 18

Reading and Writing: 

     Students will have computer time to work on their Powerpoint Non-Fiction Science Reading Projects.

     Students have worked intensively on their Non-Fiction Science Reading Powerpoint and in many cases have checked out classroom USB Flash Memory Disks with their in-progress report.  I am confirming that, excepting special requests, that the students turn in their completed work on Thursday.  

     We reviewed a book report example today.  Students will bring in their rough draft, completed work, or - at a minimum - an outline of their book report that is due October 28.  

     There is no math homework on Tuesday night. 

Wednesday, October 19

Reading; Book Report progress check in.  
Reading & Writing: non-fiction science book PowerPoint Progress Check-off Sheet completed to help guide students to project completion. 
Math Unit 2, Lesson 3.  There are two pages of homework, pp. 53-54 

Thursday, October 20

Animal Powerpoints due first thing on a usb flash memory stick or disc.  Students may download these on a class desktop so they can take keep their flash drives for personal use.  These will be shared on-line and evaluated by the students.  I have not decided the web sharing format yet. TBA  

Mathematics:  We are working on Eureka Math Unit 2 Lesson 4 and students were assigned pages 66 & 68 for Friday.   Students had short one-on-one conferences with the teacher on their tests; about half the students know their scores. Students will bring their tests home on Friday. 

Language Arts:  Book Report Check in Number 2 is tomorrow.  Students may bring in annotation notes, a rough draft, outline for paper, or final copy.  The report is due in one week - October 28, though I would prefer it Thursday, October 27.    Today we closely at the Book Report Scoring Rubric, which, can be found under Literacy in Helpful Links at the top of the blog. 

Animal Power points due first thing on a USB flash memory stick or disc.  Students may download these on a class desktop so they can take keep their flash drives for personal use.  These will be shared on-line and evaluated by the students.  I have not decided the web sharing format yet. TBA 

Science:  Our WI Fast Plants are growing and students began observations, drawing, notes, and thinking about our Experiment and it's relation to the Scientific Method. 

Friday, October 21

5th Grade Fundraising Goal Reward Pizza Party at 2:00.  Sorry, this is not Gluten-Free.

Book Report Check-in #2.  Students bring in notes, rough draft, outline, or draft in progress.

Mathematics: Students will return home with their Math Unit 1 Tests tomorrow.  

Thank you!

Mr. Hagstrom