Art Glazing of Monsters with Mrs. St. Andre
Math Homework: Lesson 30
Writing: Feature Article - final class time for feature article writing
Tuesday, April 19
Advanced Math with Mr. Morris
Computer Lab - students began typing Feature Articles into Word
Math Homework: Lesson 31 All
Mystery Book Groups: Students self-selected their upcoming book discussion topic
Wednesday: April 20
The Unit Math Test is Thursday. Students took their Unit Problem Set Books home to review for study tonight. They have been given an opportunity to create a one-page (one-sided) study sheet to recap essential and difficult problems. Naturally, this is mostly to encourage them to review. Additionally, students who make up a review sheet will be given a ticket and may review their study sheet at a reference table in class for 2 minutes one time during the test. This is a difficult test covering a lot of material and I've decided that a short reference opportunity to regain bearings would be a positive support for students on this exam.
Students expected to type their Feature Article reports into Word at home and turn in, typed and printed by Monday, April 24.
Students will turn in the typed report with their hand-written draft and their research note sheets.
Each paragraph should have at least one source / attribution, Two attribution (source crediting) methods will be explained in writing class this week. Students are already constructing their feature articles from their source notes. Most students are working from 6-8 pages of source notes. Please check with your child to learn how many pages of notes and sources they gathered over the 5+ hours of in class research times and three homework assignment dates. At this point student will have invested 8+ hours of research and note taking for their project. Thanks!
PS We won't be working in publisher or adding images, etc. until the main article is edited. Please see the Feature Article Progress and Steps Help Sheet in the HW Helper Folder to see next and past steps.