Thursday, June 8, 2017

Museum of Flight Field Trip Details

Hello All,

Our field trip schedule is as follows: 

A.  Teachers  pick up Medicines, have safety back packs
B.   Teachers go over TREES behavioral guide information with students
C.   Teachers  have classes organized into groups headed by chaperones 
D.   Students place sack lunches in bins. 

1. Chaperones arrive between 9:00 and 9:15 and report to their child's classroom.  
2.  9:15 Chaperones are given their student lists  and Flight_Education_Information_Paperwork with TREES behavior rules. 
3.  9:30 Bus boarding:
Arthur's class bus 1,  
Zylstra's class bus 2, 
Garlisch's class bus 3; 
Hagstrom's class will be divided into thirds.   Plan on 9 students and 2 chaperones for each bus from Hagstrom's class. 
       ​ Suggesting that we leave the first three rows of each bus available to accommodate those groups in an organized way. 
4.  9:45 Buses leave by
5.  Transport to Museum of flight 30-45 minutes - arrival 10:00 - 10:15. 
6.   Check-in, group organization, lunch storage, bathroom break  (Lunches in lunch bins; students won't have backpacks)
7.   Garlisch and Hagstrom's classes have a guided docent tours from 10:30 - 11:30.  Arthur and Zylstra's classes explore freely. 
8.  Communal Lunch from 11:30 to 12:00. (Fair weather means lunch at outside picnic tables; poor weather at a designated lunch area.)
9.  Arthur and Zylstra's classes have guided docent tours from 12:00 - 1:00; Hagstrom's and Garlisch's classes explore freely.  
10.  Regather at pick up area at 1:20
10.  Buses arrive for pick up at 1:30
11.  Buses leave at 1:45
12.  Buses scheduled to arrive at IVE 2:15 - 2:30.



Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Academic Calendar and Connections for the week of June 4


Final Art Class with Mrs. St. Andre, Mrs. Gustas, and Mrs. Hackney
Reflective Writing
Zearn Math
4th Grade Student Visit

King County Summer Reading Program

Math Units 9, 14 & 15 Review.
Advanced Math Teams project preparation with Mr. Morris
Suggested Homework: Zearn

Language Arts:  Adverbs and Narrative Writing
We began our poetry unit

Computer Lab:  5th grade student survey


Make up music class 10:16 - 10: 46.

 5th Grade Survey