Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Camp Orkila Info.

Hi Parents,

Camp Orkila pre-registration and fundraising forms came home last Friday! If you have not seen it, they are available online at ivepta.org and in the IVE lobby. Please make sure to have your child send in the form and $25 check (unless you submit it online) before Wednesday, November 23rd. There are Camp Orkila boxes in each classroom and we will collect them weekly. 

Thank you to those who have supported our two fundraisers, Bake Sale and Chipotle. It was a huge success and we raised over $1,500.00 for our campscholarship fund. We also have the Brown Bear Car Wash fundraiser and the 5th grade class that sells the most brown bear tickets will win a pizza party! Discounted tickets are $7.00/each or 5 for $30.00 (normally $8.50 car washes). Contest ends on Wednesday, November 23rd but we will still be selling them after the contest ends!

Please send us an email if you have any questions to camporkila@ivepta.org. 

Thank you!

Amy Cancelosi, Lizz Eng, and Laura Schmidt
IVE Camp Orkila Co-Chairs 2016-17