Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Academic Calendar and Connections for the week of January 3

Happy New Year - Welcome back letter from teacher (see earlier post).

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Planners - Students wrote math and Language Arts planning notes.  Parents and guardians,  you may wish to review your child's planner together with your son or daughter..

Math:  Module 3 - Fractions - Pretest.  Students were awarded class stickers for their independent progress in the Zearn online math program.  Please look for the related post with some helpful progress information. No specific math homework, however 20 minutes of math on Zearn is encouraged. 

Science Project Notes & Link

Language Arts:  Book Report No. 2 on a historical non-fiction, or historical fiction assigned.  Hand-outs provided, we read through an example, and we spoke of expectations.  The homework assignment won't be given a grade-score, but it will be evaluated, shared, and discussed in class both with peers and myself. Planners were marked.  The students will have 6 weeks to do the report and it's due February 16.  A copy is available on Mr. Arthur's site (linked here).

Wednesday, January 4

Math:  Introduction to Fractions: Fraction Terms, Rules of Addition and Subtraction, Representing +/- of fractions in drawings.  Rewriting Fractional expression using multiplication, Eureka  Lesson 2 no.s 1-3 in class.  HW  Zearn math 20+ minutes

Zearn Math 20 + Minutes; 
Reading; Song lyrics Extra Credit for "Reader's Response" Week 16,   A space has been added to the bottom of Reader's Response 16 to share the lyrics. Extended lyrics deadline:  Sunday.

Thursday, January 5

Math:  Equivalent Fractions, Lesson 1
Zearn Computer Math Learning
Perennial Math Group with Mr. Morris (thank you, Tim).

Math Homework:  Zearn 20+ in Mission 3 beginning with Equivalent Fractions in place of worksheet.

Writing: Students did a descriptive writing sample essay with a title:  "A Place to Have Fun"

Conversation starter: Ask about what we read about Sumika in Weedflowers.

Friday, January 6 

Math:  Fractions.  Return to Unit 2.  Showing relationships between improper fractions and mixed numbers, how to show addition of improper fractions on a number line, how to see improper fractions as the sum of equivalent partial fractions, and draw them in pictures.

Students who skipped the minimum Zearn requirement for yesterday, were requested to attend to that as homework this weekend.  Others were invited to work on it optionally, including to return to earlier skipped lessons.

Addison G.  Glad to see you're stepping up to Zearn from back east😄

Writing:  We examined two student writings with an eye toward how to write the introduction and structure the paragraphs of a descriptive writing essays.  Students rewrote their introductions from their first draft.