Dear Families,
We began our Family Life and Sexual Health Unit today (Monday). The unit runs daily for the week. Our girls are all with Mrs. Zystra and the school nurse, Mrs. Lincicome. Mrs. Zysltra's boys will join my boys for the F.L.A.S.H. unit this week.
Today, our boys covered the Unit Introduction, the lesson on Family, and the lesson on Sexual Exploitation. The boys were given a more specific outline of the day's topics to take home and share with their parents/guardians. The outline can be a nice springboard for home conversation.
Some of the key learning was shared through two case studies: A child who lost a pet in an accident (to reveal the two-way benefits of communication with a trusted person) and two children endangered in a situation of sexual exploitation (to help students recognize safe and unsafe behaviors, and concrete ways to prevent exploitation if conversation or behaviors make a child feel uncomfortable or place them at risk for exploitation).
Mr. Hagstrom
Tuesday: Topics: Self-Esteem and Puberty.
Activities: How positive self-esteem helps us make good decisions and how poor self-esteem places us at risk; how to unlock our inner self-esteem through questions about belonging, I can (competence) statements, and being aware of how we are appreciated.
Video: Puberty, "Just Around the Corner." To understand the physical, hormonal, and emotional changes one undergoes in the maturation process of puberty.