Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Museum of Flight Field Trip June 9

The 5th Grade Classes will travel to Seattle to the Museum of Flight for a Science and History of Science Field Trip on Friday, June 9.  This special outing will need  5-6 chaperones from each class.  A chaperone volunteer form will be forthcoming. 

The Plan: 

On Friday, June 9, we will travel in 3 buses and leave IVE at 9:30 A.M. and return at 2:30 P.M.  Students will have a docent guided tour there, (half of the students before lunch and half afterward),  to accommodate the museum's logistics.

Lunch will be a sack-lunch and picnic style - weather permitting -with everybody together at a time between the two tours.  Students will pack in their lunches from home or order them from the IVE cafeteria in advance. The unguided time is for students to explore the museum in their chaperone accompanied groups.  Each class is asked to provide 5-6 chaperones who will accompany our 110 students in groups of 5 students each.

If acceptable to her, I plan to turn parent-chaperone recruitment over to our class communications mom, Mrs. Eng.  With few exceptions, (and based only on special request with teachers' approval), parents would join with the students and teachers on the bus ride out and back.  This assures all students have a chaperone, minimizes logistical concerns, and contributes to bus safety.  Feel free to indicate your interest to me via email while a formal channel is created to sign up.

We are looking forward to this field trip and parents joining in.

Kind regards,

Mr. Hagstrom