Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Academic Calendar and Connections for the Week of January 17

Monday, January 16, MLK Day, No School

Tuesday, January 17


Perennial Math Members with Mr. Morris
Math Make-ups
Zearn Math  (For reference, Students have been asked to complete Zearn Lesson 4 Today

Music: Lengthened period to prep. for performance

Language Arts: Word Work:  Introduction to the Parts of Speech:  Common and Proper Nouns, Abstract and Concrete Nouns

Reading:  Focus: Description in Writing

Read Aloud:  Milkweed

History:  Integrated to Milkweed, (Non-violent)  Images of Warsaw  Ghetto, 1938-41

Computers: Reader's Response 18,  Brainpop:  Pearl Harbor,   Zearn Math if time.

HW:  Zearn Math, goal: through lesson 4. 

Wednesday, Jan. 18

Math:  Subtracting Fractions using calculation and drawings

HW  Eureka Unit 3, Lesson 5.  Math was rushed today with the Wednesday schedule and extra music class.  Students should relax and try only problems they feel comfortable that they have a strategy for. 

Please note that I have additionally taught a pure calculation model for addition / subtraction of fractions that I have also asked the students to do. 

Music:  Additional Class in preparation for performance

Language Arts: 

Word Work:  Common and Proper Nouns within the subject of Part of Speech

Reading:  Introduction to Graphic Novels Unit

Characteristics of;  Reading of  an example: Garfield; and then a short summary and Reading Level of each book in our District Kit/Tub.  Students made a list of their preferred choices.  First books to be assigned tomorrow. 

Thursday, January 19

Reading:  Students Assigned Graphic Novels,
Lesson on Compare and Contrast of Principal Characters,  application to small group book discussion.
Reading of Weedflower
Writing and discussion of questions, wonderings, and concerns connected to Weedflower and Milkweed

Word Work; Spelling exceptions for common plural nouns

Friday, January 20

Math:  Eureka Lesson 6 - selected problems for whole group.
Perennial Group Students: 1:1 support of other students trying to master solving addition and subtraction of fractions with drawings.  Working through of logic problem together.
Main group: Zearn Math Practice

Reading:  Central Message or Moral of the Story in our Graphic Novels

Writing:  use of senses and personal voice in a critique of a descriptive writing sample

Word Work; Spelling exceptions for common plural nouns