Mr. Arthur, fellow 5th grade teacher, will be leading a Math Olympiad program after school.
Registration flyers were sent home with your student. Here is the information:
What is it: Math Olympiad is open to all 5th graders who want to join. Students who enjoy math and problem solving will probably enjoy Math Olympiad. Most kids end up telling us this was a positive and memorable experience where they got to learn math skills they don’t get to learn in regular 5th grade lessons.
Students will work in groups of 3 or 4 to solve the problems in that week’s lesson. We will check answers together toward the end of the session. Each student has a homework/practice sheet that contains a short chapter to read and 21 problems to complete at home. We encourage students to do as many as they can.
If your student does not like math, struggles with math, or doesn’t like to work in small groups, this program is probably not right for them. It is fine to try the first few sessions and change your mind; however once a student has decided to stay on the team, we expect him or her to make every reasonable effort to stay in until the end.
Meetings: We will meet 11 times on Tuesdays after school in Mr. Arthur’s room beginning January 24th.
Time: 3:00 to 4:00pm. Participants need to be picked up promptly at 4pm.
Snacks: It is fine to send a snack or send snacks for the group. Please ask Mr. Arthur about any students with allergies.
Competition: The date for the competition is Saturday, April 29th in the Bellevue/Seattle area, and typically runs from 8:15am to 1:30pm. The IVE PTA pays for our registration. Students get a t-shirt and work in assigned teams of 3-4 students. They will compete against 5th graders from around the Seattle area. The coaches are mostly focused on making this an enjoyable, positive learning experience for kids. It is not a high-pressure situation and we are not focused on winning trophies or medals.