Monday, September 4, 2017

2017 - 2018 - New Blog

Dear New Students and Families,

I look forward to meeting you tomorrow at the "Meet the Teacher" event from 9:00 - 10:00 AM in our classroom Room 424. 

For the 2017-2018 School Year, the new class website will be

This mnemonic is derived from: 
H (Hagstrom) + IVE (Issaquah Valley Elementary) = Hive
+ 5th Grade = Five
+ the (starting) year = 2017

Kind regards,

Mr. Hagstrom

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Hive 5 Last Week of 2016-17 School Year

What an amazing year we've had!

I'll miss you all dearly.  

It's been a magical year and I appreciate you greatly. 

Thank you for letting me teach you; I was lifted by all the growing and light you each brought with you to share. 

You are wonderful. 

Kindest regards,

Mr. Hagstrom

Monday & Tuesday:

All of the students worked together to create cards with student sayings and to attach the friendship bracelets. As a class we created nearly 100 cards and affixed most of the 200+ bracelets made by students to express friendship, welcome, and hope to immigrants looking forward to a new life in America, to refugees seeking safe haven, and other people victimized by violence or suffering that students became aware of through our class readings, or studies of current events, or sharing of our concerns in our community circle times in the classroom. 

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Academic Calendar and Connections for the last (full) week of school

Special This Week:

Tuesday:  Field Day 12:30 - 2:30

Wednesday:    5th Grade Promotion Ceremony,  9:00 AM to 10:30 AM, IVE Multipurpose Room

Parent Sponsored Picnic in the Park; Please see your promotion ceremony flyer for information

Friday:  Swim Day - Walking Field Trip, Friday Morning - students back at IVE for Lunch


Advanced Math Project 1 with whole class:  Plotting Coordinate Points - Bingo

Poetry Unit:  Metaphor

Am. History:  The American Revolutionary War, Class Textbook

Video:  Liberty Kids No. 7:  The Green Mountain Boys

Mr. Hagstrom out in the afternoon.


Field Day:  12:30 - 2:30

Advanced Math Project 2 with whole class:  Plotting Coordinate Points - Deciphering mystery figures based on coordinate point maps

Poetry Unit:  Interpretations

Writing:  Advice to a 4th Grader or Personal Growth Via a 5th Grade Experience


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Museum of Flight Field Trip Details

Hello All,

Our field trip schedule is as follows: 

A.  Teachers  pick up Medicines, have safety back packs
B.   Teachers go over TREES behavioral guide information with students
C.   Teachers  have classes organized into groups headed by chaperones 
D.   Students place sack lunches in bins. 

1. Chaperones arrive between 9:00 and 9:15 and report to their child's classroom.  
2.  9:15 Chaperones are given their student lists  and Flight_Education_Information_Paperwork with TREES behavior rules. 
3.  9:30 Bus boarding:
Arthur's class bus 1,  
Zylstra's class bus 2, 
Garlisch's class bus 3; 
Hagstrom's class will be divided into thirds.   Plan on 9 students and 2 chaperones for each bus from Hagstrom's class. 
       ​ Suggesting that we leave the first three rows of each bus available to accommodate those groups in an organized way. 
4.  9:45 Buses leave by
5.  Transport to Museum of flight 30-45 minutes - arrival 10:00 - 10:15. 
6.   Check-in, group organization, lunch storage, bathroom break  (Lunches in lunch bins; students won't have backpacks)
7.   Garlisch and Hagstrom's classes have a guided docent tours from 10:30 - 11:30.  Arthur and Zylstra's classes explore freely. 
8.  Communal Lunch from 11:30 to 12:00. (Fair weather means lunch at outside picnic tables; poor weather at a designated lunch area.)
9.  Arthur and Zylstra's classes have guided docent tours from 12:00 - 1:00; Hagstrom's and Garlisch's classes explore freely.  
10.  Regather at pick up area at 1:20
10.  Buses arrive for pick up at 1:30
11.  Buses leave at 1:45
12.  Buses scheduled to arrive at IVE 2:15 - 2:30.



Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Academic Calendar and Connections for the week of June 4


Final Art Class with Mrs. St. Andre, Mrs. Gustas, and Mrs. Hackney
Reflective Writing
Zearn Math
4th Grade Student Visit

King County Summer Reading Program

Math Units 9, 14 & 15 Review.
Advanced Math Teams project preparation with Mr. Morris
Suggested Homework: Zearn

Language Arts:  Adverbs and Narrative Writing
We began our poetry unit

Computer Lab:  5th grade student survey


Make up music class 10:16 - 10: 46.

 5th Grade Survey

Monday, May 22, 2017

Academic Calendar and Connections for the week of May 22

Student have their F.L.A.S.H. unit of study this week.  See the specific post on this earlier today.  Here is the schedule for the week:

Monday 12:40-1:40
Zylstra boys in Mr. Hagstrom’s room
All 5th grade girls in Zylstra’s room
Tuesday 12:40-1:40
Zylstra boys in Mr. Hagstrom’s room
All 5th grade girls in Zylstra’s room
Wednesday 9:50-10:50
Zylstra boys in Mr. Hagstrom’s room
All 5th grade girls in Zylstra’s room
Thursday 9:50-10:50
Zylstra boys in Mr. Hagstrom’s room
All 5th grade girls in Zylstra’s room
Friday 12:40-1:40
Zylstra boys in Mr. Hagstrom’s room
All 5th grade girls in Zylstra’s room

State Science Testing
American History Project: Road to Revolution: The Declaration of Independence (Finish worksheet as HW)
Read Aloud: Weedflower
F.L.A.S.H. Day 1

American History:  The American and French Revolutions in relation to Kings and Government by the will of the people.   HW:  Paul Revere's Ride - Poem / Question sheet

F.L.A.S.H. Day 2
Library Make up - Last day for regular book check out.


F.L.A.S.H. Day 3
Boys:  Gender Roles and Reproduction System.  A packet was sent home with a cover letter, anatomical drawings of labeled female and male reproductive system.  HW: There is a gender roles worksheet to be completed with an adult as part of today's learning.

Girls: with Mrs. Zylstra

Camp Orkila Information Session with Volunteer mom's Mrs. Eng and Mrs. Schmidt.

If you child is not attending the camp, your child with partake in a series of 5th grade activities in rotation with all of the students remaining here at IVE.  Please let me know ahead of time if there are plans for your child not attending school that day.

Math: Preparation for Unit 5 Mid-Module Assessment


F.L.A.S.H. Day 4  Pregancy
American History Project:  The American Colonies, Reading and Lecture


F.L.A.S.H. Final Day:  Decision Making and HIV/AIDS
American History Project:  The American Colonies, Project Day 1
Ice Cream Reward Party


Dear Families,

We began our Family Life and Sexual Health Unit today (Monday).  The unit runs daily for the week.  Our girls are all with Mrs. Zystra and the school nurse, Mrs. Lincicome.  Mrs. Zysltra's boys will join my boys for the F.L.A.S.H. unit this week.

Today, our boys covered the Unit Introduction, the lesson on Family, and the lesson on Sexual Exploitation.  The boys were given a more specific outline of the day's topics to take home and share with their parents/guardians.  The outline can be a nice springboard for home conversation.

Some of the key learning was shared through two case studies: A child who lost a pet in an accident (to reveal the two-way benefits of communication with a trusted person) and two children endangered in a situation of sexual exploitation (to help students recognize safe and unsafe behaviors, and concrete ways to prevent exploitation if conversation or behaviors make a child feel uncomfortable or place them at risk for exploitation).


Mr. Hagstrom


Tuesday: Topics:  Self-Esteem and Puberty.

Activities: How positive self-esteem helps us make good decisions and how poor self-esteem places us at risk; how to unlock our inner self-esteem through questions about belonging, I can (competence) statements, and being aware of how we are appreciated.  

Video: Puberty, "Just Around the Corner."  To understand the physical, hormonal, and emotional changes one undergoes in the maturation process of puberty.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Academic Calendar & Connections for the Week beginning May 15

Notes:  We have SBAC Math Testing on Tuesday and Friday mornings this week.

Next week we begin our F.L.A.S.H. unit.  I'll be teaching the boys from mine and Mrs. Zylstra's class.  All our girls will be learning with Mrs. Zylstra and the school nurse, Mrs. Lincicome. 


Math: Unit 1 Review

Social Studied Integrated Project:  Benjamin Franklin.  Unfinished packets to be completed at home.

Read Aloud:  Weedflower



Writing: Feature Article Publisher Session 3/3.  Students who are not finished have been asked to complete their feature article into Publisher at home.   Feature articles in Publisher should be complete and turned in by Thursday morning.  Reminder: there is a rubric for article requirements in the HW Help section. If there is an issue regarding access to technology, I will be providing an upcoming optional enrichment period with a diverse selection of activities.  During this time, students who have used their 3 previous Publisher sessions productively, may choose the enrichment period to complete their feature article publication.

History Enrichment:  Primary Sources of the Boston Massacre,  Optionally complete this as hw for reward Bee Stickers.

Homework:  History enrichment (see above) and/ or Zearn Math.



Math: Problem Set Review Lesson 13 #2 a-f,  Lesson 14 #3 a-f.
See Feature article note on Wednesday.

Writing: See Feature Article Note on Wed.


Math: Review of selected math problems in Teams from Units 2 & 3.

American History Project:  American Colonists Activity:  Colonists:  Loyalist, Patriot, or Neutral, Part I.


Math:  Fractions and Unit conversions review, Advanced Math
Groups with Mr. Morris.

American History Integrated Project:  Loyalist, Patriot, or Neutral Colonist Activity II; Declaration of Independence, Liberty Kids video on Virginia, slavery, and Patrick Henry

No prescribed homework.  Students always encouraged to enjoy reading or practice with Zearn.



Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Academic Calendar and Connections for the Week beginning May 8


I want to thank all my students and families for the beautiful, generous, and thoughtful flowers, cards, and gifts for teacher appreciation week. I have been treated so very well by you all this year - making work at IVE a great and caring place to be.  You all know I adore and respect your wonderful children and I understand this is in many ways an extension of their amazing families. I hope my work here honors your hopes that your child receives a quality, caring, and meaningful education. 

Thank you and best wishes,

Bradley Hagstrom


SBAC Language Arts Test No. 1
Building Feature Article in Microsoft Publisher 1
Road to Revolution Studies - Videos, Packet, Texts
No Homework

Math Lesson 8- building paper prisms to find relationships between sides and volume in different models.  HW Lesson 8.
Advanced Math Group with Mr. Morris

Road to Revolution Videos- Liberty Kids:  "Boston Tea Party" and the "Intolerable Acts"

Road to Revolution Packet.  HW complete letter from Abigail Adams point of view.  We are nearly complete with packet #2.

Zearn Math & math differentiation help groups.  HW:  Zearn mathematics Mission 5.  Advanced students work in Mission 6.

PREP HW: Students need to be sure to have all their feature article materials and flash drives for building their Feature Articles in Publisher tomorrow.

SBAC Language Arts No. 2
Building Feature Articles in Publisher No. 2
Math Lesson 9
Music with Zylsta's class last period

Progress and Pacing Notes for Advanced Math Students

By next Tuesday, advanced math students are asked to work through the 10th digital lesson, which places them in Lesson 15 of Unit 6, and at a minimum having worked through digital lesson 8, which places them half-way through the Unit at lesson 10.  This is consistent with the prior request that advanced math students be prepared to invest a couple hours work weekly into the advanced Zearn lessons.

This allows members to participate on equal footing as advanced math project teams begin to think about projects they want to tackle in Mission 6 next week with Mr. Morris.  FYI: 7/16 students have already surpassed this mark and 12/16 have kept at the pacing goal of two Zearn lessons per week.  I checked in with students regarding pacing again today.

Keep up the good work.  I'm looking forward to the projects the students will create.

Mr. Hagstrom

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Missing Mystery Books from District Tub

Missing books from the tub Mystery
1 Sherlock Holms
1 Bunnicula
1 Westandia
Please return if you find them.
Mr. H.-

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Museum of Flight Field Trip June 9

The 5th Grade Classes will travel to Seattle to the Museum of Flight for a Science and History of Science Field Trip on Friday, June 9.  This special outing will need  5-6 chaperones from each class.  A chaperone volunteer form will be forthcoming. 

The Plan: 

On Friday, June 9, we will travel in 3 buses and leave IVE at 9:30 A.M. and return at 2:30 P.M.  Students will have a docent guided tour there, (half of the students before lunch and half afterward),  to accommodate the museum's logistics.

Lunch will be a sack-lunch and picnic style - weather permitting -with everybody together at a time between the two tours.  Students will pack in their lunches from home or order them from the IVE cafeteria in advance. The unguided time is for students to explore the museum in their chaperone accompanied groups.  Each class is asked to provide 5-6 chaperones who will accompany our 110 students in groups of 5 students each.

If acceptable to her, I plan to turn parent-chaperone recruitment over to our class communications mom, Mrs. Eng.  With few exceptions, (and based only on special request with teachers' approval), parents would join with the students and teachers on the bus ride out and back.  This assures all students have a chaperone, minimizes logistical concerns, and contributes to bus safety.  Feel free to indicate your interest to me via email while a formal channel is created to sign up.

We are looking forward to this field trip and parents joining in.

Kind regards,

Mr. Hagstrom

Academic Calendar and Connections for the Week of May 1



Art Docents, led by Mrs. St. Andre, guided students in a Tessellations art project.

Math: Mission 5, Lesson 5 (Homework as well).

Language Arts:  Students were introduced to making bibliographies for their feature articles.

Special: Staff appreciation week fliers were sent home.  If you were to think about your specialist teachers this week, that would be wonderful.



The Road to Revolution Packet (pages 30-39 are due Wednesday).  Most students completed during class on Tuesday.  Students who helped make the class thank you book for the school administrators may have until Thursday if necessary, but are encouraged to complete today.

Language Arts:  Week 32 Editing Tasks and 2 Suffix worksheets were completed in class; students were asked to complete at home if not

Students were shown 3 ways of making in text citations for their feature articles. Tomorrow they will practice this in an edit of their articles.


Zearn for approximately 25 minutes today for homework.


Mathematics lesson 6.  HW Lesson 6

Read Aloud:  Weedflower

Language Arts:

In text-citations / giving credit to sources.  Students need to have their digital rough draft (on flash drive) and their research sheets with them this Thursday and Friday in class.

Friday, April 28, 2017

District Math Post Assessment

Dear Students and Families,

Our District Math Assessments have been entered ( a few scores are expected to increase because some answer keys were not fully read by the scanner). The overall results are very good, though work remains.  Very interesting how it's not a standard distribution.   Please view for yourselves (if you click the graphs, they will enlarge):

Post Test:

And the pre-test in September:

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Academic Calendar and Connections


The Week long school book fair began in the library.

Language Arts/ Interdisciplinary:  Students turned in typed feature articles and have the Word files available on personal or class flash drive for further editing. 

Mathematics:  Students took the District Math Post-Test.  
HW:  25 mins. Zearn;  Advanced students should do Mission 6. 

Social Studies:  The Boston Tea Party, Stamp Act, and the French and Indian War readings - as an introduction to the "Road to Revolutionary War" unit.


Language Arts/ Social Studies:  Feature articles/ focus on Narrative and "Hook/Grabber" introductions.  Students compared their introductions with other students and began re-writing another version of their own. We will make a series of hand-written  additions and deletions to our essays over several meetings, then students will type their edits and additions into a final essay copy next week. 
Review of articles on National Parks as part of the constitution in Namibia (National Geographic)
and North Korea's race for nuclear arms (New York Times). 

Mathematics:  We began Unit/Mission 5: Finding Volume of Rectangular Prisms.  HW Lesson 1.  Students were set into Zearn Mission 5 to support the learning.


Read Aloud:  Milkweed.  A difficult section of the novel's text.  Warsaw Ghetto residents are dying from starvation in large numbers and deportation to the concentration camps began. 

Mathematics Lesson 2
Homework:  Lesson 1, part 2

Language Arts/Social Studies:  Road to Revolution.

Students were given a 10 page handout, pages 30-39.  Today pages 31-33 were assigned for independent classwork.  The article on the French and Indian War was supported by a Brainpop video and a digital -chronological map of the European Colonies shifting territories 

HOMEWORK: Using the provided reading, p. 31, complete as best you can,  pages 31-33 in the handout if not already completed in class. 


We finished Milkweed today.
Math Lesson 4
History: The French and Indian War and the Proclamation of 1763: videos and readings. 

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Academic Calendar and Connections

Monday April 18

Art Glazing of Monsters with Mrs. St. Andre
Math Homework: Lesson 30
Writing: Feature Article - final class time for feature article writing

Tuesday, April 19

Advanced Math with Mr. Morris
Computer Lab - students began typing Feature Articles into Word
Math Homework: Lesson 31 All
Mystery Book Groups:  Students self-selected their upcoming book discussion topic

Wednesday: April 20


The Unit Math Test is Thursday.  Students took their Unit Problem Set Books home to review for study tonight.  They have been given an opportunity to create a one-page (one-sided) study sheet to recap essential and difficult problems.  Naturally, this is mostly to encourage them to review.  Additionally, students who make up a review sheet will be given a ticket and may review their study sheet at a reference table in class for 2 minutes one time during the test. This is a difficult test covering a lot of material and I've decided that a short reference opportunity to regain bearings would be a positive support for students on this exam.


Students expected to type their Feature Article reports into Word at home and turn in, typed and printed by Monday, April 24.

Students will turn in the typed report with their hand-written draft and their research note sheets.

 Each paragraph should have at least one source / attribution,  Two attribution (source crediting) methods will be explained in writing class this week. Students are already constructing their feature articles from their source notes.  Most students are working from 6-8 pages of source notes.  Please check with your child to learn how many pages of notes and sources they gathered over the 5+ hours of in class research times and three homework assignment dates.  At this point student will have invested 8+ hours of research and note taking for their project.  Thanks!

PS  We won't be working in publisher or adding images, etc. until the main article is edited.  Please see the Feature Article Progress and Steps Help Sheet in the HW Helper Folder to see next and past steps.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Boeing Engineering Design Unit: "Bolt Catcher"

The Bolt Catcher Design Unit has come to a conclusion. Students presented to visiting 4th and 5th grade teachers from around the Issaquah Valley School District as well as Michelle Pichard, our Assistant Principal. The students did a wonderful job presenting their design project and scientific thinking behind the Design problem and solutions.

I have posted a first example of the presentation by Lucas, Adison, and Cyrus and filmed by 4th team member, Annalyse.   They scripted and filmed their own presentation in  one period after being given a set of content guidelines.  The projects will be uploaded into the Boeing Science Presentations Folder in my Google Drive, but for privacy, you gain access to the Drive through the Class Padlet.  When in the Padlet, select the link/post; "Boeing Science Presentations."  If you wish, the link in Padlet could be shared with family members.

 The Flaming Marshmallow's Bolt Catcher Design

Monday, April 3, 2017

Academic Calendar and Connections for the week of April 3



Today's Math Homework Sheet is online here in the Math Unit 4 folder.  Look for  the Lesson 26 HW Worksheets, page 1-2.  You can also find them through the Homework Helper on the right. If you don't have the ability to print out the worksheets, the student may solve the questions on regular notebook paper.


Our art docent moms, led my Mrs. St. Andre, instructed the kids on one-point perspective drawings today.


Student Science Presentations with Visiting Teachers
Homework, Lesson 29


Math Quiz Day, No Homework

Language Arts:  Feature Article Research to Write Main Article Due Tomorrow
Students should have at least 7 research note sheets (14 half pages from sources) till now, but many students will need 10+ full pages of research notes to write their essay.  We will be writing our main essays rough drafts this week.



Advanced Math groups with Mr. Morris
Regular Math covered finding the Volume of Rectangular Prisms and writing in the correct units/form

Language Arts:

Students wrote their feature article essays for one hour.  Students should have all their research in class tomorrow as well.

Zearn 25 mins
Research, Mystery Novel, or Personal reading: 25+ minutes.


Math:  Zearn Fractions Unit

Note; There is no math homework assigned for the break, but I encourage students to spend some time on Zearn to keep fresh with the material.  In class we are in lesson 30 and will be taking the Unit 4 Assessment Midweek the week we return from Spring Break.

Language Arts:  Year book memory page filled out.  (If your student was absent Friday, follow the link to complete the form and return it via email to Mrs. Pike or myself over the break if you have a chance.)

Literature Circles:  Discussion and Writing of Selected Questions about their mystery novels.
The class assignment sheet, "Literacy Group Discussion Questions for April 7"  is in the HW Helper Folder.

Character Traits Packets Were Collected

Note: Students don't have assigned language arts homework, but students that have fallen behind on their mystery novels (with respect to their group members) have been asked to catch up.

Writing:  Students wrote 1-2 pages of their Feature Article Main Essay on Thursday.  They will finish writing the essay the week they return.  A handful of students didn't complete their preparation research for the essay for the writing day, and they should, of course, be ready to go when we return to classes after break.


Students completed their Table of Contents for their finished Engineering Design Project and the journals were collected

Have a wonderful week everybody!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Academic Calendar and Connections for the Week of March 27


Math Homework Lesson 20

Language Arts:  Evaluation / Grading Rubric for Feature Articles covered in detail with students. We will finish the Essay portion of the Feature Article Next Week.


Math Homework Lesson 21
Advanced Math with Mr. Morris - Introduction to Project Goals


Math Homework Lessons 22: 1-6, Lesson 23: 1-2

Read Aloud: Weedflower


Math Zearn - approx 25 minutes;  Research for Feature Article - approx. 25 minutes.

Science: Today we prepared for our science presentations on the Boeing Bolt Catcher Unit

Reading/Writing:  Students were given and began a Character Analysis Packet to complete alongside their Mystery Unit reading.

Read Aloud:  Milkweed

Friday, March 31

Dress as Twins

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Advanced Math for Trimester III

Advanced Math-

16 students qualified for Advanced Math grouping (based principally on last year's SBA tests and this year's math academic achievement).  In turn these students were divided into 4 groups of 4, with the division based primarily how well and focused the students have shown they work with one another throughout the year.

 A condition of working in the advanced math groups is keeping on task in independent and team work times.  Students who distract others from working by talking or otherwise playing/distracting others will receive warnings, and if improvement is not shown, will be withdrawn from the advance math grouping.  Since there is significant time for students to work independently, they need to be responsible and respectful for themselves and the group's functioning.

Advanced Math focus:

     Advanced math students will have 3 main roles:

1.  They will have a compacted and differentiated curriculum, meaning, that they will be excluded from some current math unit work (that they show competency in) to work ahead, independently and/or in teams,  into Unit 6 - Zearn Mission 6.  These students were given a second Zearn login and placed in Mission 6 on March 22.

2.  These students will be given Independent Team Project creation time.  During this time they will create a demonstration and activity project (currently) from Unit 6 material to teach and share with the whole class.  Mr. Morris, (Isaiah's dad) our Advanced Math parent volunteer, will help oversee these projects, working in rotation with two advanced math groupings at a time (4+4 =8 students each rotation) and thus seeing all 4 teams (or 16 advanced math students) once weekly, so the projects can be helpful and robust learning experiences both for the creators and the whole class when presented.

3.  Advanced math student groupings also will sometimes interface with Exit tickets (questions that check the student learning in each lesson) differently.  They may take the Exit tickets at different times, correct their tickets in their advanced teams, review exit tickets from the whole class, and be occasional  partners for students who need review.

2 Important Footnotes:

4.  Advanced Math students have agreed  (anticipate and / or to be willing if asked) to dedicate an additional two hours of homework each week to work ahead in Mission 6,  to help advance their projects, and/ or to keep current in assignments from the main class curriculum, etc.

5.  If a student is not in advanced math, they may still have an additional Zearn login and may work ahead in Mission 6 on their own as well.

March 31 Spirit Day - Dress as a Twin with a friend or group of companions:  Students can dress alike, wear matching shoes or have matching hairstyles.  We welcome all – twins, triplets, quadruplets, even septuplets!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Math Help

Our current Math Unit challenges students with difficult multi-step multiplication of fraction questions.  I'd like to point out a support that you could use at home:

Please remember that while some problems do lend themselves to being solved intuitively, and some students do have the habit of solving parts of a problem mentally, we encourage that each step be written out so other students and evaluators can follow a student's work and logic.

 We use a method of Read-Draw-Write as a math solution strategy and this is consistent and helpful with Models in Eureka Math and the Zearn practice program on the Internet. 

Have a look at this video showing one of the problems for Lesson 16 in the current fractions unit. 
(Note: To find this I did a Google video search with these terms:
"Zearn 5th grade math multiplying fractions​" 

I chose this result:  Grade 5 Module 4 Lesson 16"  

(and there were other helpful choices in the results as well). 

Best Regards,

Mr. Hagstrom

Monday, March 20, 2017

Academic Calendar and Connections for the Week Beginning March 20


Language Arts:

Reading: Mystery Unit/ Character Traits with Evidence

Writing;  1st layout of feature article research - ordering of topics.

Grammar: Appositives,

Math:  Lesson 16; homework sheet sent home


Music Schedule Change:  Hagstrom 10:16-10:46 


SBA Workings - Computer Practice:  Math 3/21 9:30 – 10:10  - parent information letter sent home.

Math Lesson 17 - multiplying decimals and fractions together; homework no.s 1-3. 


Research Report/ Feature Article Story-board sketch/plan based on completed research note sheets.  With 3+ hours devoted to in class research, students should have 3 - 6 pages of web / book research notes.  I have requested that students who have less than 3 complete sheets to do additional research at home.  Next check in will be Friday. 


Advanced Math: Special projects
Math Homework:  Zearn: approx. 25 mins.

Feature Article Research:  approx. 25 mins.  A research note page was sent home with each student.



We continue to read our mystery novels and work on recording and defining evolving character traits of the main characters in our novels. 

Math -

HW-Lesson 18

Students assigned to one of four (un-ranked, heterogeneous) teams with each team having 4 Advanced level math students.  Today's independent lesson practice was completed in the team's with team members helping each other with questions and pacing. These teams will continue for the remainder of the year.

Advanced Math-

16 students qualified for Advanced Math grouping (based principally on last year's SBA tests and this year's math academic achievement).  In turn these students were divided into 4 groups of 4, with the division based primarily how well and focused the students have shown they work with one another throughout the year.

 A condition of working in the advanced math groups is keeping on task in independent and team work times.  Students who distract others from working by talking or otherwise playing/distracting others will receive warnings, and if improvement is not shown, will be withdrawn from the advance math grouping.

Advanced Math focus:

     Advanced math students will have 3 main roles:

1.  They will have a compacted and differentiated curriculum, meaning, that they will be excluded from some current math unit work (that they show competency in) to work ahead, independently and/or in teams,  into Unit 6 - Zearn Mission 6.  These students were given a second Zearn login and placed in Mission 6 for this purpose today - and they began working on Mission 6 during a differentiation period in math class today.

2.  These students will be given Independent Team Project creation time.  During this time they will create a demonstration and activity project (currently) from Unit 6 material to teach and share with the whole class.  Mr. Morris, (Isaiah's dad) our Advanced Math parent volunteer, will help oversee these projects, working in rotation with two advanced math groupings at a time (4+4 =8 students each rotation) and thus seeing all 4 teams (or 16 advanced math students) once weekly, so the projects can be helpful and robust learning experiences both for the creators and the whole class when presented.

3.  Advanced math student groupings also interface with Exit tickets (questions that check the student learning in each lesson) differently.  They may take the Exit tickets at different times, correct their tickets in their advanced teams, review exit tickets from the whole class, and be occasional  partners for students who need review.

2 Important Footnotes:

4.  Advanced Math students have agreed  (anticipate and / or to be willing if asked) to dedicate an additional two hours of homework each week to work ahead in Mission 6,  to help advance their projects, and/ or to keep current in assignments from the main class curriculum, etc.

5.  If a student is not in advanced math, they may still have an additional Zearn login and may work ahead in Mission 6 on their own as well.


SBA Workings - Computer Practice II:   ELA  3/24  1:00-1:40

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Academic Calendar and Connections Week of March 13

Monday, March 13

This week students can order class photos and yearbooks. 

Fabulous Art Class - making clay monsters and such, guided by Mrs. St. Andre and supported by Mrs. Geraci, Mrs.Gustas, and Mrs. Hackney.  Wonderful day.  Great clay techniques, fine monsters.

Math:  Lesson 11 homework.


Writing: District Writing Post Assessment was evaluated and entered into our electronic grade book system. 

Reading:  Students were assigned a mystery novel to read.  They have been placed in Literacy Groups specifically for this this District Unit:  Mystery.

Tuesday, March 14

Math Homework Lesson 12:  2,4, and choose 5 or 6. 

Science-to-Go with Ms. Poaster:  Energy

Literacy:  Students had their first mystery novel discussion in their new literacy groups.

Students reviewed their opinion essays and Writing Assessment Grading Rubrics with their scores from their District  writing assessment two weeks ago.  Copies of their essays and rubrics will be sent home Friday.

Wednesday, March 15

Science Trials:  Bolt Catcher Live trials

Thursday, March 16

Community Tree Project with Mrs. Geraci and Mrs. Hackney.

Science:  Fair Test

Social Studies:  Three branches of government, the President's Immigration Order and the Judicial Stay;  How literature and stories help us learn cultural competence, build empathy, and promote inclusion.

Math:  Student learning projects/groups for discovery and team learning/ Lessons 13 and 14.  Selected problems were given as homework for both lesson.

Friday, March 17

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

What is Engineering? Links for Computer Class Tuesday

Understanding the Field of Engineering

NASA for Kids: Intro to Engineering [Web Link]

Celebrating Engineering at Boeing [Web Link]

Engineering Girl [Web Link]

Engineering Go For It [Web Link]

Turtlediary  [Web_Link]

Our Experiment

The Experiment in Action [Web_Link]

Monday, March 6, 2017

Academic Calendar and Connections for the week of March 6


Field Trip Visit to Issaquah Middle School.  Students were treated to choir, orchestra, and band performances and learned about the layout of the school, electives, clubs, and when to do a physical if they will be doing a sport in the fall (after June 15).

Remember that the Middle School Course Choice Packets are due to me by this Friday, March 10.

Math Homework: No new lesson; students should work on Zearn for approximately 25 minutes.

Science:  Textbook reading and questions on applying Newton's Laws to cases of objects in motion. 


Math Homework 8
Computer Lab:  What does an Engineer do?
Perennial Math with Mr. Morris. Final day.


Science -
Design of Shock Absorption chamber  and Drawing a model of Expected Impact in a Time Sequence
Math Homework 9
Begin Grading District Writing Assessments


Language Arts:
Began Mystery Literature Unit
Feature Article Research in class

Math Homework 10 
Please check that your child is bringing their planner to class. Remember that the Middle School Course Choice Packets are due to me by this Friday, March 10.

Math tutoring for select students with  Mr. Morris


Remember that the Middle School Course Choice Packets are due to me by this Friday, March 10.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Wednesday, March 1

Today We Are Learning:
Date:  Wednesday, March 1
Learning Targets
Drawing and interpreting fractional models for word problems.
HW Lesson 6 - p.100 only
Reflection on Weedflower and/or Milkweed.  
This may partially satisfy the writing homework listed on the week 24 literacy homework sheet.
Word Work
Sentence writing with predicate adjectives and our weekly vocabulary.

Confirming one another's thinking on read aloud texts.
**District Reading Assessment -Post test

Social Studies
S.S. - Topics in diversity and inclusion in America and Europe during WWII.
Integrated into our literacy study. 
Community /
Discussion of Milkweed and Weedflower: issues of prejudice, poor treatment of others
Part of our study of cultural inclusion through comparative literature.

Tuesday, February 28

Monday, February 27, 2017

Monday, February 27

Today We Are Learning:
Date: Feb. 27
Learning Targets
Notes: Success Criteria/ Big Picture/ Unit of Study/ Purpose / Homework
I can use tape diagrams to model fractions as division.
Math Lesson 4 HW through problem 3.
I can write sentences with our new vocabulary and grammar focus.

Word Work
I can understand and use knave and extrovert. I can understand plural possessive apostrophes.

I can use “stop and ask questions” to think about a story.
**Become aware of my inference making.**
***Confirm another’s thinking
We are using the speech frame:

I heard you say, __________.
Did I get that right?

We are reading Van Gogh's Cafe for illustration of the inference and confirmation topics. 
Social Studies
I can collaborate with my team members, record details of an experiment, and report results.

**  I can relate my marble drop experiment to Newton’s Laws of motion.
We are preparing to design bolt catchers by considering Newton’s laws, forces, mass, and motion.
Community /
Reading Weedflower.  Understanding history; building community; family and friendly affection
Successfully talking about connections and sharing.